The IRS is Committed to Working with Taxpayers Who are the Victims of Identity Theft
IRS Form 14039 – Identity Theft Affidavit
If you believe you are a victim of identity theft and it is affecting your federal tax records or you have experienced an event involving your personal information that may at some future time affect your federal tax records you should contact your accountant or CPA to consider filing on your behalf IRS Form 14039 – Identity Theft Affidavit. The form is provided for your review.
The IRS continues to expand the number of Identity Protection Personal Identification Numbers (IP PINs) being issued to victims. The IP PIN is a unique identifier that shows that a particular taxpayer is the rightful filer of the return. In 2012, the IRS issued IP PINs to more than 600,000 taxpayers who have been victimized by identity theft. That’s more than twice as many as the previous year. The IP PIN will allow these individuals to avoid delays in filing returns and receiving refunds.
The IRS is committed to working with taxpayers who are the victims of identity theft
The IRS has taken numerous steps to combat identity theft and protect taxpayers. We are continually looking at ways to increase data security and protect taxpayers’ identities with assistance from our Identity Protection Specialized Unit. Identity theft cases are among the most complex ones we handle.
We know identity theft is a frustrating process for victims. We take this issue very seriously and continue to expand on our robust screening process in order to stop fraudulent returns and protect innocent taxpayers.
On this page, you will find a wide range of information. Depending upon your personal circumstances, the information found here will cover a variety of scenarios involving identity theft, ranging from contacting us with a case of identity theft to providing tips to help keep your records safe.
Victim of identity theft?
Do you have reason to believe you are the victim of identity theft and your tax accounts have been affected?
Lost or stolen wallet?
Have you become the victim of identity theft? Here are places for help.
Protect yourself
Tips from the IRS to help protect yourself from identity theft
IRS action on identity theft
Steps the IRS is taking to prevent, detect and resolve identity theft cases
Additional helpful resources
IRS identity theft news and outreach
Taxpayer Guide to Identity Theft
A one-page guide for identity theft victims.
Special Identity Theft Enforcement Efforts
Law Enforcement Assistance Pilot Program
Pilot program designed to aid law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting specific cases of identity theft.
The IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as text messages and social media channels.