Identity Theft-based Tax Refund Fraud
Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 @ 2:00PM
Identity theft-based tax refund fraud has increased substantially over the past couple of years according to the IRS. Identity thieves attempt to defraud the federal government of funds by filing fraudulent refund claims using another person’s identifying information, stolen from a variety of places. In 2012 the IRS took a number of proactive steps to fight the explosion of identity theft-based tax refund fraud.
Below is an IRS table which shows Identity Theft statistics over the past three fiscal years. It is broken down into Investigations, Prosecution Recommendations, Indictments/Informations, Sentenced, Incarceration Rate and Average Months to Serve. As the table reflects investigations and prosecutions have increased over the past 3 years.
Posted by cfegov
Categories: Online articles