Monday, May 20th, 2013 @ 4:01PM
- Provides for expedited refunds for identity theft victims.
- Provides for a single point of contact at the Internal Revenue Service for identity theft victims.
- Provides for enhancements to IRS PIN Program.
- Provides for electronic filing opt – out meaning that a person who has filed an identity theft affidavit with the IRS may elect to prevent the processing of any Federal tax return submitted in an electronic format by a person purporting to be such a person.
- Provides for restrictions on the ability to use prepaid cards for tax fraud. Requires that regulations be prescribed requiring newly issued deposit or transaction account numbers, be distinguishable between verified accounts and at-risk accounts.
- Provides for limitations on multiple tax refunds to the same account.
- Requires that regulations be issued that restrict the delivery or deposit of multiple tax refunds from the same tax year to the same individual account or mailing address.
- Provides for restriction on access to the death master file.
- Prohibits the display of Social Security account numbers on newly issued Medicare identification cards and communications provided to Medicare beneficiaries.
- Prohibits of the display, sale, or purchase of Social Security numbers.
- Provides for criminal penalties for the misuse of a Social Security number.
- Provides for civil actions and civil penalties for any person aggrieved by an act of any person in violation of this Act.
- Provides for criminal penalties any person using a false identity in connection with tax fraud.
- Provides for increased penalties for improper disclosure or use of information by preparers of returns.
- Provides for the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service to transfer not more than $10,000,000 to an Enforcement Account of the Internal Revenue Service to use for tax fraud enforcement.
- Provides for a local law enforcement liaison to serve as the primary source of contact for State and local law enforcement authorities with respect to tax-related identity theft and other tax fraud matters.
- Provides for improvement in access to information in the National Directory of New Hires for tax administration purposes.
- Provides for a plan of action for transitioning to a real-time tax system that reduces burdens on taxpayers and decreases tax fraud through real-time information matching.
Posted by cfegov
Categories: Congressional articles, Senate bills
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