Letter from Senators Orrin Hatch, Marco Rubio, and Congressmen Kevin Brady, Peter Roskam and Ted Yoho to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen
Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 @ 11:08PM
On December 2, 2015 Senator Orrin Hatch, Senator Marco Rubio, Congressman Kevin Brady, Congressman Peter Roskam and Congressman Ted Yoho sent a letter to the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, John Koskinen, requesting that the IRS provide an update to Congress on the status of implementing 18 Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) recommendations related to identity theft and stolen identity refund fraud. The IRS had previously agreed to all of the recommendations outlined in the letter. The Senators and Congressmen pointed out in their letter that stolen identity refund fraud “is a growing problem, and costs taxpayers billions of dollars and countless hours every year.” They further stated to the IRS Commissioner that “in Florida and in the country at large, the number of victims and dollars at risk continue to grow, despite the dedication of unprecedented resources to fight the problem.”
CFEG Letter to IRS from Rubio Hatch Brady Roskam Yoho Desk Top
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